Status: Developing the prototype

The Game

Koalamity is a 2D adventure platformer where you play as a First Nation Australian on a mission to find and save the koalas. Animal spirit guides give you elemental powers of air, water, earth and fire to defeat the threats to the koalas as you travel across Australia.


I started developing Koalamity while doing the Full Time Game Dev course by Thomas Brush (Atmos Games). My goal with Koalamity is to showcase the beautiful culture of First Nation Australians and highlight the plight that koalas face on their road to extinction. Much of the media about First Nation Australians are about the Stolen Generation and the genocidal atrocities, so I wanted to make a game that was positive and and respectful.

Note: I will be working with one or more First Nation tribes to make all representation authentic and respectful. I will seek permissions and cultural advisors once the prototype is finished, as the prototype is only focused on the game mechanics.

Tools Used

  • Unity
  • Visual Studio, with C#
  • GitHub
  • Photoshop

Things that went well

  • After working on a few games, I am much better at making the animations
  • Thomas Brush’s course is great at teaching the basics

Things that didn’t go well

  • I am doubting my abilities to do this game justice, and to make it to the quality it deserves. That’s why it has been bumped down my development list so I can improve my game dev skills.

Future plans

Ultimately, the plan for Koalamity is to be a quality game that showcases First Nation culture and highlights the dangers to koalas. It will be initially published on Steam, but I think it would work well on consoles too. I am considering running a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to produce an original soundtrack featuring First Nation instruments, and for console porting.
